domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Hi and bla, bla, bla

Hello to all the world. Yeah, hi and all that stuff. I am Elijah Bors (this is my pseudonym because I don’t feel like giving my real name to all the world including some crazy idiotic bastards) I started this blog just because I feel like I need to share my thoughts and ideas. Yeah that’s right. I AM THE IDEA. I am my thoughts. My real me is a bunch of beliefs, ideas and thoughts. I have no religion. I have faith on myself. This means that I don´t trust my destiny to a non-existent ghost with all the power of the universe and crap like that. I make my own way. I AM MY GOD. I don´t pray to a god trying to make things happen just like I want. I act and make the things to accomplish what I want. Well I think I am kind of boring you with all this shit. Hope you, the world of internet, start reading my blog because I think some of my thoughts are very deep and all that stuff. 

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