martes, 24 de abril de 2012

Can I play with madness? I don't know...

Not feeling like writing anything at all. But I started the blog to do this. So I will do it. I am fucking nuts. Really. I have this problem I know about but no one more notice. I close all doors I can close. I sleep with a bunch of pillows on every side of me. I am a depressive person. Seriously. Feeling like crap is not strange for me at all. I have always thought of suicide like one more thing I CAN do. But there are only three things that attach me to this world. Number one: my two brothers. I think they really need me.  That’s what I think. Number two: my friends. I really love my friends. Yeah I LOVE them. They, women and men, are my brothers and sisters. And finally, number three: my big aspirations in this world. I mean GIGANTIC aspirations. But I still thinking I am sick. SICK, SICK, SICK. Mentally unstable and all that stuff.  I’m also a little paranoid. I feel like I’m always being followed. I guess why my parents never wanted to give my help. Neither they, neither nobody. I am alone with my madness.

lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

Batman and the crap they call "horror"

“Shall we dance?” I've always thought that the first movie of Batman is a thousand times better than the newer one called “The dark night”. This film is very good, but it is very far to be like the first one. And when the movie came out into theatres in 2008 everybody was talkin’ of the “excellent” representation of Heath Ledger of The Joker, when clearly Nicholson made a better role of the same character in the first one. And what about that silly and ridiculous phrase “Why so serious?”. I was so fucking serious because movie was boring as hell! Really! The first time I tried to watch it I fall sleep deeply. And how can you even compare “Why so serious?” with “Shall we dance?” Please. The second one is a lovely phrase. It’s kind of creepy. The phrase is used in such a maniac way that it kind of scares you.  And talking about this subject, what the fuck with the new “Scare” of “horror” movies? Seriously. The factor I call “scare” is the art of making you crap your pants. In the past the “scare” factor was made by using some psychological tricks but over any other thing it was a fucking art to change normal things into creepy/ heart attack /monstrous objects. One very neat example is the bicycle/ wheel vehicle kind of stuff that had the little boy Danny in “The shining”. Really, those bike rides that this kid had in the haunted hotel where tremendously creepy. Beastly. Real horror. Nowadays the horror movies are a combination of sexual stuff and other idiotic stuff that have no horror in it. Just blood and super advanced graphics. Blood, animation and sexual stuff. This is the modern horror films standard. Crap and shit. 

domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Hi and bla, bla, bla

Hello to all the world. Yeah, hi and all that stuff. I am Elijah Bors (this is my pseudonym because I don’t feel like giving my real name to all the world including some crazy idiotic bastards) I started this blog just because I feel like I need to share my thoughts and ideas. Yeah that’s right. I AM THE IDEA. I am my thoughts. My real me is a bunch of beliefs, ideas and thoughts. I have no religion. I have faith on myself. This means that I don´t trust my destiny to a non-existent ghost with all the power of the universe and crap like that. I make my own way. I AM MY GOD. I don´t pray to a god trying to make things happen just like I want. I act and make the things to accomplish what I want. Well I think I am kind of boring you with all this shit. Hope you, the world of internet, start reading my blog because I think some of my thoughts are very deep and all that stuff.